ASPIE is a social, support and therapy group for adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (aspies) providing a centre in Worcester where aspies feel welcome and accepted.
People with Asperger’s find it difficult to find like minded people with whom to talk or take part in activities of mutual interest.
Meeting regularly at ASPIE reduces isolation and organically improves prospects in education, employment and independent living.
We are open Wednesdays - same place - consistent and reassuring 1pm to 9pm - five familiar faces guaranteed. The age of members is 18 upwards and they come from Worcestershire as well as other parts of the West Midlands. We are also open Saturday afternoons 1pm -5pm. These sessions are quieter and can be easier for a first visit.
Our building is light and airy with several rooms ideal for splitting into different activities and importantly there is a quiet room.
The laid-back environment, tailored to suit aspies, allows them to drop the mask they wear in the outside world and join in board games, discussions plus computer/internet access for strategic games etc. We have a couple of keyboards and guitars. Chess is popular and so are our quiz nights. Our football team ASPIE AVENGERS are in training and the judo group has started up again.
Members are free to come and go and can stay as long or as little as they are comfortable with and they can join in activities if they wish or they can just sit and 'be'
We know how difficult education and employment can be. Being able to discuss worries and problems together on how to cope with college life and employment can help to avoid mishaps.
We have our own counsellors who put members at their ease, relieve anxieties and involve them in discussions about understanding themselves and improving relationships.
New members to ASPIE are usually apprehensive at first but quickly settle in making friends inside and outside the group, eating out, cinema trips etc.
You are welcome to visit.
Charity Name: ASPIE LTD
Charity number: 1145351
Support & Community Sport Healthy Lifestyle Venue Hire Friendship Groups
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