LIFEHOUSE is the Elim church in Worcester with spaces for hire. Please contact us directly.
There’s loads of ways for you to connect and engage with church life here at Lifehouse, just check out the rest of our website to discover some of the things we’re up to. The ‘Latest News’ pages; instagram; twitter and facebook pages will provide all of the up-to-date information of gatherings and events coming up in the life of the church to ‘keep you in the loop’.
Sundays at Lifehouse are relaxed and great fun. It’s an opportunity to connect with each other and with God. Worship together, hear some teaching, and be inspired to follow Jesus in your everyday life. Things get started at 10:30am with a good cuppa tea and freshly ground coffee and the service then lasts for about 90 minutes.
Most weeks the Kids programme would run during the main message, and we’re working hard to rebuild the kids team after the covid break. ‘Sparkles’ is a space we have created for parents with babies 0-2 years and is available anytime throughout our Sunday morning service. ‘IMPACT!’ is our kids’ programmes for ages 3-11yrs, and start at 11am for about an hour.
On the second and fourth Sundays we share communion together. Keep an eye on the ‘LATEST NEWS’ page for events coming up at Lifehouse.
Parking - There are a few Car Parks only a few minutes walk from Lifehouse and you can park in Asda (and get your money back if you shop there). Otherwise you can try looking for a space on Lowesmoor or surrounding streets where parking is free on a Sunday.
Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of venue listings on Find It Do It, Worcester City Council cannot guarantee the venue's availability or quality, and does not take responsibility for any subsequent booking or transaction which may take place between the venue and the booking individual. Please contact the venue directly for terms, prices and availability.